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  • What qualifies Jimmy Kinnaird as a coach?
    Jimmy is a certified Leadership Coach through Leader Breakthru ( He adheres to the International Coaching Federations (ICF) Code of Ethics. He is also an accredited enneagram practicioner coach with Integrative 9-The most accurate ennagram assessment and coaching process in the world. Jimmy has 35 years in Christian vocational ministry, 21 of those years as a pastor. He as successfully trained, consulted and coached pastors, church leaders and business leaders. For 14 years he led teams of various sizes and scope at religious non-profits with personnel of over 100 and a budget of over 6 million dollars.
  • Should a coach have professional training and certification?
    Coaching is an unregulated field. There are many excellent coaches that over their years of experience have developed into great coaches. Other's have sought a more professional route through training and coaching certification organizations. Regardless, one should ask a coach what experience and certifications they have and if they operate by the International Coaching Federation's (ICF) Code of Ethics.
  • How is coaching different from consulting or therapy?
    A consultant is hired to be an expert, to specifically tell the client how to do something. A coach holds the client as resourceful, creative and capable. A coach does not diagnose or treat like a therapist does. Unlike therapists, coaches do not delve into past wounds or work with clients on "issues." Coaching focuses on the present and future, while therapy generally focuses on the past and present. Accountability is important in coaching, and the focus is on evolving and manifesting potential.
  • What is Christian leadership coaching?
    Christian leadership coaching is coaching that is done from a Christian worldview framework. The coaching is forcused on the leader and is an individualized process that first helps them to explore their own unique makeup and then to maximize this with their goals in life and work. The coaching is personalized and customized to their specific goals, whether they be personal or organizational or both.
  • What is the leadership coaching process?
    Depending on the client's focus and need, the coaching process may be one session or several. This can be mapped out in the intitial interview. Generally if it is work related we will do first a 360 degree assessment. This allows us to gain feedback about the leader's effectiveness from different layers of the organization and people involved in the leader's life. After review of the assessment and meeting with the Leader, we may come up with an initial coaching strategy, this could include other assessments. One of the most powerful gifts of coaching is for the leader self-awareness. This is the foundation of leadership and all other coaching.


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